My Journey So Far
My name is Rachel and my interest in natural and alternative health began in 1996 at the age of 14 when I was drawn to an after-school course in Aromatherapy.
I never really thought much more about the way I lived my life until the early 2000’s when I realised just how sad and unfulfilled I had been feeling for quite some time. I went to see my doctor who prescribed antidepressants and talking therapies to help my mood and I remained on medication for a couple of years.
In 2004, my daughter was born and I was feeling much happier about life. I decided to do something for myself and I enrolled in an evening Swedish Massage course at the local college which I enjoyed so much I enrolled in another class as soon as I passed, this time in Indian Head Massage. At the time I was working part-time and studying in my spare time. I knew something big was changing – me!
​In 2009, I said goodbye to a successful and secure corporate career to study a Foundation Degree as a Complementary Therapist, this time at Newcastle College which was very exciting and scary both at the same time!
During this transformational time, I was fortunate to stumble across an inspirational dog charity called SHAK (www.shak.org.uk) and I fell in love volunteering with rescue dogs who had been mistreated and neglected.
After qualifying as a Complementary Therapist I secured a job in Occupational Therapy for a mental health NHS trust; hoping to be able to use my skills in the local community, I felt content for a little while, excited and motivated to help and support people suffering from mental health difficulties.
​I began my yoga journey (I especially love Kundalini and Yin), my love for Meditating began and I also made the transition from Vegetarian to Vegan.
​A few years later I secured a full-time post at a primary care mental health NHS site where I worked with both working age and older-aged adults on acute wards.
I thought I had my dream job, I thought I was where I wanted to be, that I was living life to my best, looking after all of myself and helping people, but I came to realise I was still deeply sad. I felt completely alone, lacked self-belief, and lost all hope.
​The time came when I just couldn't continue and my pain became too much for me to cope with. My mood was incredibly low, I had zero motivation, I had issues with food, I couldn't focus and I preferred being asleep to living.
I felt worthless, lost, ungrounded and I found myself needing help again. For a few years, I struggled in a dark place, sometimes not believing I was ever going to feel alive again.
I slowed started showing up for myself and began pealing back the layers of conditoning and trauma. I began exploring methods and wellbeing 'tools' that helped me understand myself more.
A regular gentle Yin class was the seedling of my recovery and then a very unexpected trip to India realigned me out of the blue and I took control back over my health and wellbeing.​​​ When I returned I had reset.
​Fast forward to 1st January 2020 and I open my studio space on Newgate Street in Morpeth. I haven't looked back since! Finally, striding forward (my heart leading every step of the way), I'm honoured to work with my clients and to witness such profound transformation.
It's 2022... I have high aspirations of working with our community and growing LIFE. Now is an exciting time to be alive, anything is possible! Connection and awareness are at the heart of everything and I'm going to do my best to reach as many beautiful souls as possible.
Make this year all about your healing journey...
Just imagine how incredible your LIFE can be when you release your past and heal. When you accept, when you grow, when you align with your truth.
Just imagine all the gifts you have buried deep inside ready to share with the world.
You are unique and the world needs you!
Love Rachel

Why Cruelty Free?
LIFE Holistic Therapies is Againist Animal Testing
I am delighted to offer my treatments using carefully sourced products which are all natural, cruelty free and kind to the planet.
I believe compassion for all living Beings and care for our environment is vital when finding balance and living a wholesome life.
"I am only one; but still I am one. I can not do everything; but still I can do something; and because I cannot do everything, I will not refuse to do something I can do."